Customizing Drupal Website & Commerce - Open Source CMS Module is a powerful open-source content management system (CMS) that allows you to create and customize websites and online stores. To customize your Drupal website and leverage its Commerce module, you can follow these steps:
Customize themes: Drupal allows you to customize the appearance of your website using themes. You can find free and premium Drupal themes on websites like or third-party theme marketplaces. Install and enable the theme of your choice, and then navigate to the “Appearance” menu in your Drupal administration panel to configure and customize the theme's settings.
Configure Commerce settings: After enabling the Commerce module, you'll need to configure its settings. Go to the “Configuration” menu in your Drupal administration panel and select “Commerce.” From there, you can set up various aspects of your online store, such as payment gateways, shipping methods, taxes, and product types.
Customize product displays: Product displays are used to present your products to users on your website. Customize the product display settings by going to the “Store” menu and selecting “Product displays.” You can choose how the product information is presented, configure image styles, and select fields to include.
Commerce Product Variation: This module enhances the product variation functionality in Drupal Commerce. It allows you to create complex product variations with different attributes, such as size, color, or material, and manage their pricing, stock levels, and display options effectively.
Extend the functionality with modules: Drupal has a vast ecosystem of contributed modules that can extend the functionality of your website. Explore the Drupal module directory ( to find modules that align with your specific requirements. Some popular modules for Drupal Commerce include Address, Coupon, and Shipping.
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